Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The First Stake of Zion in the Florence region of Italy! History in the Making!

Thursday, May 1, was Labor Day, a national holiday here in Italy.   Therefore, all the Italians were off work, most of the stores were closed, and the weather was bright and sunny.  Our missionaries decided to take advantage of all these factors and put a mostra (or streetboard) together.  They wanted to invite all the missionaries and members to come to a crowded piazza in the middle of Siena where we could explain the plan of salvation to all those who might stop by.

Forty years ago when Darryl was a young missionary in Italy, he used this technique quite often; even setting up a streetboard right on Vatican Square, within a stone's throw of the Pope's residence and the famous Swiss Guards.  However, things have changed.  Now there is bureaucratic red tape to fight through, permits to obtain, fees to pay, etc., in order to pull off this type of proselyting activity.  But, undeterred, our sister missionaries jumped through all the hoops, got the permit, made a wonderful poster of the plan of salvation, and got the members excited for this adventure.

Elders Robb and Axson with most of the Rotelli family
The Army of Israel, at least in Siena 
Sister Roth with a member, explaining the plan to some friends 
Sister Boscia with their great artwork!
We spent most of the afternoon and evening at the mostra, explaining the plan to those who were brave enough to stop and listen.  It becomes increasingly clear that the world is becoming more secular everyday, and finding someone who is really open to God and His revealed word is difficult.  That is why all of us need to share the gospel with our friends and families, and find new ways to bring people to Christ.  The old techniques of knocking doors, street tracting, and even streetboards are less and less effective.  While they are useful and need to be done when more productive means are not available; members and missionaries must work together to find ways to invite friends, neighbors, co-workers and family to listen to the message of the restored gospel.

Last Sunday, May 11, Elder Timothy Dyches, a member of the First Quorum of Seventy and a counselor in the Europe Area Presidency, along with Elder Massimo De Feo, our Area Seventy, created the first stake in the Florence area.  This new stake extends from Pisa and Livorno on the Mediterranean Sea, to Rimini and Ancona on the Adriatic Sea.  This is a huge geographical region for one stake.  We feel sorry for our new Stake Presidency and the many, many kilometers they will be putting on their vehicles.

Elder Dyches before the meeting
Ready for history to be made!
They created five wards within this new stake.  There will be six other units, still branches, and Siena will be one of these branches.  Our members were very excited to be a part of the creation of this new stake, as we all work hard to make Italy "blossom like a rose" as prophesied by Lorenzo Snow when he first dedicated this land.

Lucy, Francesca and Bianka
Franca, Maria Rosa and Diletta
In addition to this historic stake conference, Sunday was also Mother's Day.  The elders came to our apartment Sunday evening where we helped connect them with their families via our IPads and Skype/Google.  We also had a chance to talk with some of our children and their families, and they all seem to be doing fine.  It seems like great blessings are happening in all of our lives!

Our Siena missionaries gave Bonnie a beautiful lily plant for Mother's Day, along with a very nice card.  Bonnie is really a second mother to all the missionaries who are fortunate enough to serve in this beautiful city.

Yesterday we had our weekly Family Home Evening.  We decided to celebrate the May birthdays, and make cards for all our members and missionaries with birthdays this month.  Two of our missionaries, Elder Axson and Sister Roth, have birthdays in May, so they had a good time at this activity.

Bonnie, Elders Axson and Robb, and Luca from the branch
The sisters, an investigator, and Bonnie
Sister Roth and Sister Boscia
A former missionary, Sister Katie Soh, dropped in on our FHE, and our members were so excited to see her.  She and her companion were the first sister missionaries to serve in this city, and Darryl and Bonnie happened to be sitting in the Sacrament Meeting in Siena in October 2012, as tourists, when they were first introduced to the branch.  What a coincidence!

Sister Soh and Bianka, talking via FaceTime to another former missionary 
This week is transfer week, and we may lose one or two of our great Siena missionaries.  But with everyone who leaves, they leave us with great memories and stronger testimonies.  And these changes give us the opportunity to meet and work with other great servants of the Lord, and that is awesome.

The work moves forward, and with everyone's dedication and hard work, it will roll forward as a stone cut without hands until it fills the whole earth.  May we all do our part!

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